
Following footsteps

Following Footsteps: Quotes and Comments

My evening performance called Uncovering Icelandic Footsteps in Grundarfjordur brought the following reflection: “The program was brilliantly structured and beautifully presented. What made it so unique was how Karen wove together, stories of ancestors and the story of her own gathering of those stories, stories and songs and artwork.  It all turned into a very…

Karen Gummo string stories

A Journey to Iceland

Following the footsteps of my children, my parents, my sister, and my great grandparents, I made a trip to Iceland in May of 2015.  It was made possible by the wonderful family pictured above.  They are Audur Magnusdottir, Johannes Dagsson, Flosi and Jakob.  How great was my joy in setting foot on the homeland of…


Orunamamu – Story Bag Ladee!!

“They’re gonna look at ya.  Might as well give them something to look at!” These were wise words of advice offered by Mary Washington’s Father.  Oh my, our friend gave us so much to look at and remember. Mary Washington was born in Alabama on or near the Washington Plantation.  She travelled about the U.S….

Wise and Willful Women

A Trio of Storytellers: Wise and Wilful Women

I have been working as a storyteller for more than 25 years now.  Mostly the preparation work is solitary as we search for or create the tale that wants to be shared. In 2012 I teamed up with 13 storytellers to share a day – long performance of the Saga of Grettir the Strong. How…

Dreaming of Belle

Lady Isabella Lougheed or Belle as she was fondly known, was a remarkable woman.  Lately I have had the good fortune to come to know her as I have been invited to come to her beloved Beaulieu Mansion (also called Lougheed House) to share stories of her family life for Alberta Culture Days 2014. It is…

Dragon’s Breath

Waiting time is over, The Dragons have come and gone. Or have they? They came in many forms: Fearsome, Gentle, Longing, Awesome Heavenly ones, Trickster types, Disguised as something else. Some tried to kiss the Dragon… I was one of them. It wasn’t easy. It was messy. I actually invited the Dragon to come home…

World Storytelling Day 2014

Discover Dragons

Our poster for World Storytelling Days is ready!!!  Designed by Andrea Bayly, Fine Arts Major at the Alberta College of Art and Design majoring in Ceramics. When Andrea is not creating musical instruments out of clay and recording pop songs in many overlaid tracks  using her hand – made instruments, she is our go – to girl for posters.  How lucky can…

Dragons All Around: World Storytelling Days 2014

I have been dreaming of Dragons for a good long while now as I prepare for World Storytelling Days 2014. To begin the journey, my TALES team and I have established a relationship with Vivian Morgan at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre and embarked on a journey to celebrate dragons in the Cultural Hall there….

A Taste of Grettir the Strong

Mary and I spent an afternoon at Hexagon recording studio. Our friend Mark Ellestad helped us create this small recording that includes the mother’s song and a battle with the she-troll.